Franks BIO in Brief
Franks talks are based around his own life experiences.
During his life, Frank, born in Rhodesia, trained mercenary in his early twenty’s, had many experiences through out his military life including Black OP’s, active service in Rhodesia, South Africa and Columbia.
Franks CV includes working for the infamous Drug Baron Paplo Escobar. His military life showed him first hand evidence of corruption with War, Money and Drugs, and how they all interlink with governmental agenda’s.
This background has given him a unique perspective on Chi and social interrelation, now a master in martial arts, holding 2 World Records, 3 Degrees on Engineering, Social Work, and Education. Frank will take you on a journey through his life discovering and unearthing evidence of corruption, deceit and dis-honesty, but uses his experiences to educate and inform. Spiritual Healing and Chi martial arts are Franks main focus leaves his students always wanting more!
There Is obviously a LOT to speak about with Reptilian Subjects, Mantis Types and the plethora of Alien (to us) lifeforms. Some are good ,some not so benevolent and they want to apparently bleed us take our resources,mental and physical resources and spiritual resources and blow is all to bits etx when they are done with us