Author's posts
Sandy Newbigging in Birmingham on 24/11/15
BODY CALM The Mind-Body Connection Meditation Technique that Helps Your Body Heal and Stay Healthy Bestselling author Sandy C. Newbigging returns to Truth Juice Birmingham to share his latest talk based upon his brand new book Body Calm. Body Calm introduces you to a powerful way to meditated that uses the mind-body connection to help …
Allegedly Dave in Birmingham on 13/10/15
The Biggest Lie of All What if you’ve been told the biggest whopper of all time? A lie that has rendered you as nothing more than an insignificant microbe that evolved by accident on the surface of an inconsequential speck of dust in an infinite and meaningless universe. What if the world you live in …
Greg Hallett in Birmingham on 29/09/15
Is Queen Elizabeth II a Fake ! There is mounting evidence that the British Royal Family are not who they say they are. This condition is known as FLAT LIE ROYAL. Let’s investigate. Books for sale. Will THE HIDDEN KING OF ENGLAND be present ? For further information please visit: