
Author's posts

Lawrence Wright in Liverpool on 20/01/14

Ultimate Detox with Lawrence Wright HEALTH & WELLNESS   Curing the conditions the medical mafia say are incurable like cancer. Heart disease, diabetes, see the photographic evidence of how Lawrence cured his own cancer and that of his dog! Find out how to release excess weight effortlessless and permanently without counting calories or going hungry, …

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Andrew Johnson in Birmingham on 04/03/14

A very informative and detailed presentation by Andrew Johnson In this presentation we will examine a range of different evidence which seems to show that much of what we were told and shown about the Apollo Moon shot programme was false/fake. We will look at: Some aspects of Apollo History Photographic Evidence Video Evidence What some of the …

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Paul Anthony Taylor in Birmingham on 18/02/14

BRINGING AN END TO HEALTH ILLITERACY Uncovering ‘forbidden’ knowledge about natural therapies and creating a world of health, peace and social justice Paul Anthony Taylor Paul Anthony Taylor is Executive Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving human health on a global scale through scientific research, education and the defence …

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