Author's posts
Japjeet Kaur – A Kundalini Yoga Workshop in Leicester on 09/11/13
CAUTION: NO ALCOHOL TO BE CONSUMED PRIOR OR DURING THE SESSION Japjeet Kaur Khalsa, PhD, is a full-time Kundalini Yoga teacher (group classes and private turoring), nutrition & health advisor, and spiritual counsellor, and owner of the Leicester based studio Shuniya Kundalini Yoga. Japjeet has been practicing yoga for 9 years and has been …
Michael of Bernicia: The Fraud of “English” History & the Rise of Universal Community Trust and Michael of Elmet in Leicester on Saturday 02/11/13
Michael of Bernicia The Fraud of “English” History & the Rise of Universal Community Trust In the first half of the talk, Michael will give a highly controversial presentation on the nature of the fraudulent misrepresentation that has been perpetrated against the British people by the Rothschild-controlled academic establishment, in relation to the extraordinary …
Janine Griffiths in Todmorden on 05/11/13
Mind Control, Media And Words Of Mass Destruction Investigative reporter, Janine Griffiths, explains why access to reliable information is more important than ever before… Janine Griffiths is an investigative reporter on “The Akashic Times”: a highly respected, not-for-profit digital newspaper based in the North of England Janine will outline why she and her colleagues …