Author's posts
Magnus Mulliner in Liverpool on 28/10/13
Everyone present will be invited on an individual journey to gain more knowledge and start to EMPOWER themselves. They’ll be ‘reminded’ about how to find BALANCE (Yin/Yang) and how POWERFUL their THOUGHTS, BREATH, WATER, FOOD, SLEEP, CREATIVE MOVEMENTS and four other HABITS play in their lives and if necessary HOW TO make new distinctions …
Simon Parkes in Liverpool on 21/10/13
My 50 + years of alien contact – what can we learn from this ?” In Simon’s presentation he will compare some high profile cases of abduction/Contact with his own and attempt to see what elements or reoccuring themes come through. He will attempt to see if we can draw any useful warnings or helpful information …
Frank Willis in Liverpool on 14/10/13
FRANK WILLIS AND THE REPTILIAN AGENDA Franks BIO in Brief Franks talks are based around his own life experiences. During his life, Frank, born in Rhodesia, trained mercenary in his early twenty’s, had many experiences through out his military life including Black OP’s, active service in Rhodesia, South Africa and Columbia. Franks CV includes working …