Author's posts
Neil Sanders in Hull on 06/11/13
MK ULTRA, LSD and the Hippie Movement Neil’s talk will be on the history of LSD, how it was utilised by the US in the MK ULTRA mind control programme and the various experiments that were carried out. He also addresses the worryingly close relationship between the military and the musicians of the 60′s. The …
Dave Murphy in Hull on 23/10/13
Telepathy and the Complete Human talk An exploration into the power of telepathy and the suppressed potential of the human mind to shape our physiology. We will examine our true abilities to communicate with each other, re-engineer our bodies at will, prevent aging and infirmity and look at the nature of our connection to the …
Ian R Crane in Hull on 23/09/13
FRACKtured FUTURE It Doesn’t Have to be This Way! East Yorkshire WILL be FRACKED … Learn the FACTS! “Are we in danger of condemning our Children to lives of abject misery?” Former oilfield executive Ian R Crane has engaged industry sources and independent researchers to lay the foundations for his investigations into fracking – …