
Author's posts

Jon Witterick in Birmingham on 26/11/13

JON WITTERICK Jon Witterick is an open, honest and highly  informative speaker on the true nature of the fraudulent banking system we currently operate under. He offers a unique insight into how the monetary system really works, and then how to deal with debt both lawfully and truthfully. He is the founder of the non-profit …

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Jon Witterick in Hull on 20/11/13

JON WITTERICK Jon Witterick is an open, honest and highly  informative speaker on the true nature of the fraudulent banking system we currently operate under. He offers a unique insight into how the monetary system really works, and then how to deal with debt both lawfully and truthfully. He is the founder of the non-profit …

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Coventry Truth Festival in Coventry on 06/09/13

Coventry Truthjuice Festival Also speaking: Ian R Crane – Fracking