
Author's posts

No Truthjuice Birmingham on 20th August and 27th August 2013

 As we will be preparing for the Truthjuice Gathering, which is from Thursday 22nd August – Monday 26th August 2013, there will be no Truthjuice Birmingham on 20th August and 27th August we will be back on 3rd September 2013.

No Truthjuice Birmingham on 20th August and 27th August 2013

 As we will be preparing for the Truthjuice Gathering, which is from Thursday 22nd August – Monday 26th August 2013, there will be no Truthjuice Birmingham on 20th August and 27th August we will be back on 3rd September 2013.

Dennis Price in Birmingham on 13/08/13

CANCELLED DUE TO ILL HEALTH – TO BE RE-ARRANGED  Dennis Price has long had a fascination with investigating ‘ancient mysteries’, particularly those like Stonehenge and Silbury Hill that are generally thought of as being insoluble. In 2004, he turned his attention to the enigma of the so-called ‘missing years’ of Jesus, with what have proved …

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