Author's posts
Simon Parkes in Birmingham on 07/05/13
My 50 + years of alien contact – what can we learn from this ?” In Simon’s presentation he will compare some high profile cases of abduction/Contact with his own and attempt to see what elements or reoccuring themes come through. He will attempt to see if we can draw any useful warnings or helpful …
Pippa King in Hull on 17/04/13
‘BIOMETRICS IN SCHOOL’ Pippa campaigned from 2005-2012 against schools taking children’s fingerprints for cashless catering and library. Schools were taking kids fingerprints and storing them without telling parents. It becomes law in September this year that schools now have to gain parental permission to take kids fingerprint biometrics. With the advent of this law, personally …
Ben Emlyn-Jones in Hull on 01/05/13
ENERGY Energy is the centre of everything we do in human society: politics, economics, leisure, food, water and nature. It’s the lifeblood and heartbeat of civilization and history. Now we’re told energy is short. It’s running out, it’s harmful and it’s expensive. Gas and electricity bills are going up and fish are dying in …