Author's posts
Mandy Rollins in Birmingham on 16/04/13
There is a war on for your mind and your health! Big Pharma = Big business = BIG bucks! As such we would like to share with you the positive health and nutritional strategies we have discovered over the past few years – offering you up-to-date research and information to enable you to make informed …
Glenn & Jill Harrison in Birmingham on 30/04/13
Angel Myths Exposed Speaker: Glenn Harrison – Motivational Speaker The Angelic Realm are getting very frustrated with the cr*p which is being written and the plagiarised about them on the internet and in publications, which people read, without questioning the source. They want the truth to shine through. Glenn will talk passionately about his conversations …
Frank Willis in Hull on 27/03/13
The Reality of Drugs Worried about drugs? Talk to FRANK: What are drugs? Who takes them, and why? Who pushes them, and why? This talk gives you answers and information as to who controls the drug trade, and why. If you think you do not take drugs then listen to Frank Willis who will explain, …