Author's posts
Ian R Crane in Birmingham on 26/03/19
Some 2 years after his talk at truthjuice on the Brexit fiasco “the EU Hokey Cokey”, Ian returns with a talk showing where he has directed his energy over the last 2 years (in comparison to Teresa May!) Ian has been supporting David Noakes in his 500 days of persecution over GcMAF use in helping …
CANCELLED – Maria Wheatley in Birmingham on 13/08/19
Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances Maria has had to cancel her talk. Ancient Sites and Powerful Earth Energies Across Europe, our distant prehistoric ancestors designed and constructed ancient sites. Although indigenous to each country, they share common design features and were sited upon specific types of earth energies that imbue the site with unseen power. …
Gary Biltcliff in Birmingham on 22/10/19
The Psychic Centres of Power in the UK and Ireland Gary Biltcliffe and Caroline Hoare, authors of highly acclaimed ‘The Spine of Albion’, will share findings from their newly published book ‘The Power of Centre’, which explores the psychic centres of power at the omphalos sites of England, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Ireland, and locally in the Midlands. Many …