Category: Speakers

Asham in Birmingham on 12/05/15

Asham is a consciousness practitioner, and mentor.  In this talk you will discover the mechanics of how ‘You’ work, followed by an insight into the ‘Law of Attraction’ understanding the sabotaging mechanisms and how to change them, and finally he will share with you some profound insights into the spiritual side of you, as well …

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Mark Ceylon and Mickey Summers in Birmingham on 31/03/15

Mark Ceylon and Mickey Summers Mickey will be talking about the physical and emotional abuse he received at the Beechwood Community House in Nottingham and Ceylon expanding on the research they have compiled together. The talk will contain upsetting information, offering an insight into the many victims of state sanctioned abuse.

Nicholas Kollerstrom in Hull on 15/07/15

There is a taboo about investigating what happened at Auschwitz during WW2. It has become a symbol and focus of ‘evil’, as told in innumerable Hollywood movies. We are indoctrinated on this topic, but not taught. Should we really still believe British WW2 atrocity propaganda 70 years after the war is over? Is there such …

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