Category: Speakers

Nick Marchmont

NICK MARCHMONT: An independent researcher with a lifelong interest in ancient cultures, vanished civilisations and old knowledge.  His Healing History presentations use a wide range of illustrations to cast an engaging and colourful light on the skills of our ancestors.  These presentations aim to investigate, celebrate and propagate the genius of our ancestors, and to …

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Becky Walsh

BECKY WALSH: Becky Walsh has been a teacher, speaker and workshop leader for many years in the field of spirituality, intuition and consciousness. She is the author of three books including ‘Advanced psychic development and Intuitive lovers’ she also has written for many magazines. Perhaps best known for having presented and produced her own show on LBC 97.3 radio. Topic’s Intuition for …

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Abdun Nur

Abdul Nur Freeman

ABDUN NUR: Indigenous of a shire of Eburaci, Albien, so congenitally Albic or an Albannach (now synonymous in the modern age with Scotsman but universal with the entire island of Albien), City and guilds Qualified builder, married, freeman on the land verbally declaring natural/common law, un-bonded in surety at present but open to offers. Topic’s …

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