Category: Speakers

Michael Feeley in Birmingham on 06/11/18

Michael Feeley is a former UK police officer and now ancient code breaker who has authored 7 paperback books and several e-books on various esoteric subjects and is also a public/conference speaker. Michael is a multiple paranormal experiencer and has personally witnessed dimensional portals, UFO sightings day and night, received telepathic invites to attend certain …

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Jonathan Dover in Birmingham on 09/10/18

Walking The Spiral Pathway Beyond Polarisation A presentation and discussion with Jonathan Dover. We seem to be in a time of polarised sets of ideas and related dramatic events – Trump, Clinton, brexit, alt-right, far-left. What can make sense of these chaotic life conditions and show a healthy pathway through to a new stage of …

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Open mic and catch up night in Birmingham on 11/09/18

Tonight will be our first evening back after the summer break, giving you an opportunity to catch up with friends and listen to talks. Talk slots are around 20-30 minutes so feel free to have the mic, if you have a topic you would like to speak about either let Claire or Andy know or …

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