Category: Speakers

Dave Murphy in Birmingham on 05/06/18

Why Great Britain is no longer Great or British What is British? What does it actually mean? Who are the British people? Why out of all the nations of the earth, was Britain considered Great? The answers to these questions may shock and surprise you. In this presentation you will discover that no-one is who …

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New Chartist Movement in Hull on 18/04/18

Our country is now heading towards tyranny! And it is our combined ignorance and apathy that is letting this happen! The truth is that we are all being scammed on a truly massive scale. The Brexiteers are being deceived! The Remainers are being deceived! And the rest of us are also being deceived! An Orwellian …

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Dr Rock in Birmingham on 08/05/18

  Dr Rock Ages in Chaos – is history a load of bull? Immanuel Velikovsky is best known for his 1950 publication Worlds in Collision which though vilified by the scientific establishment, was re-printed a staggering eighteen times over the next twenty-three years. Less well known, and less frequently published, are the conclusions that Velikovsky reached …

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