Truth Juice Hull Presents Film Night Unlawful Killing: The Murder of Princess Diana Unlawful Killing is a 2011 British documentary film, directed by Keith Allen, about the deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed on 31 August 1997. It argues that the British and French authorities covered up uncomfortable facts about the crash, …
Category: Speakers
Ending The Prison Crisis in Hull on 23/08/17
Truth Juice Hull Presents: Ending The Prison Crisis In March this year the government announced the expansion of HMP Full Sutton, a high security adult prison near York. The expansion is intended to increase the site’s overall capacity by over 1000 with a new “mega-prison” facility. This is part of a much broader national prison …
Michael Feeley in Birmingham on 16/01/18
DUE TO UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES THIS TALK HAS BEEN MOVED FROM 24TH OCTOBER 2017 TO 16TH JANUARY 2018. SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE CAUSED. Michael Feeley is a former UK police officer of 17 years’ experience. He uses that investigative training to decipher and reveal the great and ancient mysteries of our time that have until now …