Unfortunately this event has been cancelled to be re-arranged in the new year. We are delighted to welcome to Truthjuice Birmingham John Hamer who will be talking about his new book – Behind The Curtain: Volume 1 December 1968 saw a landmark court case in the appropriately named township of Credit River, Minnesota, USA. First National …
Category: Speakers
Open Mic Night in Birmingham on 02/08/16
Tonight will be Open Mic Night. An opportunity to catch up with friends, listen to talks and music. Talk slots are 20-30 minutes feel free to have the mic, if you have a topic you would like to speak about either let Claire or Andy know or email us at: truthjuicebham@aol.co.uk We look forward to …
Angela Needham in Hull on 07/09/16
TRUTH JUICE HULL PRESENTS ANGELA NEEDHAM FRIENDS OF THE EARTH HULL As a very experienced campaigner Angela will tell you her story. A very witty and kind lady. This talk will convey through experience what action can be taken to make the world a better place. All proceeds will go to Friends of the Earth …