The EU ‘Hokey Cokey’ IN or OUT … either way EU’re Screwed! Unless … The UK is being set up to EXIT the EU, regardless of the actual vote count! The purpose being to then trash the Country through the destruction and subsequent privatisation of the remaining Public Services. The devastation will be so great …
Category: Speakers
Elaine Thompson in Bristol on 27/04/16
Extra -Terrestrials and our Transitioning Galaxy. – Elaine Thompson This talk we will have Elaine Thompson who will be talking about how Extraterrestrials came into her life from an early age; The ongoing messages about who and what is out there in other Galaxies and the Universe, the future of our solar system and …
Kai Bowman in Bristol on 11/05/16
How to change reality using imagination & the heart. – Kai Bowman We have Kai Bowman back with another inspiring talk. We are powerful beings who create our realities daily, many of us have lost the knowledge of how we do this and therefore have become victims. It’s time for us to regain the power …