David Lim in Glastonbury on 07/02/14


David Lim – 7th February 2014

at Glastonbury Town Hall

Former doctoral researcher David Lim furthers his public discussion on geoengineering, also known as the ‘chemtrail’ issue.

His talk follows on from the previous meeting last year and will be largely focussed on practical solutions – so what can we do about it?  Having recently left academia, David is now much less restricted in working with communities and helping others develop an advanced level of understanding of geoengineering.

He will provide a quick recap of the basic science, followed by some recent developments, culminating in a solutions discussion.  One particular objective is to form a ‘Glastonbury Working Group’ to address the issue locally.  

Weather modification, military involvement and social / political agendas: all directly affect you and your family.   The ability to breath clean air, have access to natural food and experience unmodified weather, are possibly the most pressing issues of our time.

“We’ve discussed. We’ve frowned.  We’ve moaned.  Now it’s time for  action.”  

Please find the time to attend – Friday 7th February, 7pm @ Glastonbury Town Hall, Somerset.


    • vikki cunningham on February 5, 2014 at 10:08 am

    Love to join you before i head back to Ozxx

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