Investigating The Paranormal / Electronic Voice Phenomena & Instrumental Trans-Communication. From Housewife to Paranormal Investigator & Evp Researcher .
… Donna was born In Waterloo , Liverpool in 1965 . She had a number of strange experience’s Throughout her early years But nothing could have prepared her for Sept 2005 . From then on Donna’s Life changed Forever.
First came the Dreams , then the “knowingness ” then a traumatic Death . Then the message arrived from the “Other side ” . A message so loud , so clear that it could not be ignored . It all started with a telephone call from a man who had been Dead for 4 day’s . Science simply did not have the Answers for the phenomena that had occurred that day . Donna looked for every rational , scientific explanation but could find nothing !
Donna has since then become a paranormal investigator . She has investigated some of the Uk’s Most Infamous & Haunted Buildings including Plas Teg and Ruthin Jail . she has studyied at the Arthur Findlay College . This is reknown for being The Worlds Foremost College for the Advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences . In January 2013 at the ” where science meet’s the spirit world ” course Donna was invited by F.O.S.H ( Friends of Stansted Hall ) to present two Student Lecture’s on Evp/Itc and Investigating the Paranormal . Donna has studied with some of the Uk’s most respected Medium’s including Tony Stockwell . She has also been lucky enough to Film & Record some of the country’s best physical & Trance mediums . This was during seance’s in controlled, scientific condition’s .
Donna along with fellow researcher & friend Hayley Mclean is in the Process of co writing a book . The book’s suject will be Electronic voice phenomena and Itc research ” Coming in Loud and Clear “ will document both of their individual journey’s into the realm of the Paranormal.
Donna and Hayley have also both been invited to Lecture at the Gettysburg College in America. This will be for the “Exploring the Extraordinary conference ” It will take place in Pennsylvannia in March 2014 . Donna and Hayley will be Investigating the Gettysburg Battlefields . In July 2014 she will be Investigating The battle of Sedgemore site in Somerset. This is due to Donna’s interest in Battlefield Ghosts .
So for truthjuice Liverpool Donna will tell her story ,Her talk will examine Donna’s First personal experience of Evp . How from the minute she stepped into the Mortuary that September Morning the paranormal activity started . She will give a brief introduction to over 100 year’s history of Evp & Itc research . Everything from Orbs to Ghosts . synchronicity to Seance’s .
How modern technology enhances our ability to capture all things Paranormal. This is what makes Itc/evp research such an exciting field to be involved in .
She will Show samples of Video and Audio and Photographs from previous investigations . You too will be able to hear examples of Evp ” the voice’s from Beyond ” Hopefully the audience will participate in an Evp/ ghost box session.