Wai H Tsang in Birmingham on 09/12/14

Esoteric Spirituality & Prophecies – from all over the WorldPlus – The Latest Developments relating to the Fractal Brain Theory It’s a strange thing that what’s generally most important about World Spirituality or Religion past and present, is also what is banned, censored or completely distorted from the original meaning. For example, the idea of …

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Nick Kollerstrom in Birmingham on 25/11/14

Nick Kollerstrom presents The Death of Paul McCartney Is Paul McCartney the world’s most famous and successful musician, or did he die fifty years ago in a tragic car accident? Whatever the answer, this talk is guaranteed to get you listening again to your old Beatles records. Did the remaining Beatles put ‘clues’ in their …

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Truthjuice Birmingham 4th Anniversary get together in Birmingham on 11/11/14

Tonight will be a free night for Truthjuice Birmingham’s 4th Anniversary get together with music and a chance to chat with like minded people.