Neil Sanders in Birmingham on 30/09/14

The Manchurian Candidate – bizarre links to the 1962 film – murder, mind control, mayhem, the Mafia, the music industry, the movie industry, Manson, mayhem and My way. Lifting the lid on the lives of celebrities and institutions that you thought you knew. For further information about Neil’s please visit his website:

Exhibition of Healing and Complimentary Therapies

Event Details AAMARHealing & Healers & Therapists News are delighted to announce the 2014 Exhibition of Healing & Complementary Therapies returns to Shrewsbury and take place on 2nd November at the Priory School. The Exhibition which has attracted hundreds of visitors in the past will be held in 3 of the schools largest rooms and …

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Sick Be Nourished

Providing Healthcare to our communities. A charity that donates medical equipment across Africa, The Caribbean and beyond. If you would like to get involved, donate or require further information, please either visit the website, email or telephone; details below: email: Tel: 0121 679 9872