Phychic Michael Byrne in Liverpool on 02/03/14

Psychic Michael Byrne I was born Michael John Byrne on the 13th May 1962 at 11.45pm. The 13th May is a very Spiritual Date in the calendar as it was originally celebrated by witches and warlocks several hundred years ago but due to persecution the date was hidden and therefore reversed to 31st October that …

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Neil Meekan in Liverpool on 27/01/14

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Lawrence Wright in Liverpool on 20/01/14

Ultimate Detox with Lawrence Wright HEALTH & WELLNESS   Curing the conditions the medical mafia say are incurable like cancer. Heart disease, diabetes, see the photographic evidence of how Lawrence cured his own cancer and that of his dog! Find out how to release excess weight effortlessless and permanently without counting calories or going hungry, …

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