Adam Dacay

Adam Dacey

I became interested in Meditation back in 1994 when I spent 6 months in Nepal – some of this time was spent on a Meditation Retreat in the Himalayas inside a Buddhist monastery.  This was a great introduction to the power of Meditation. I remember practicing breathing Meditation for the first time and thinking: ‘Why was …

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Karen L French

Karen L French   Five key spiritual messages in one symbol – The Gateway to the Heavens Without geometry there would be no time, no space, no possibility of your existence. Not only your physical lives, but also your thoughts, actions and creativity rely on geometry. In this talk you will learn about the role …

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TruthJuice Gathering 2012

The Gathering 2012 Hi TruthJuicer’s I’m really sorry to tell you that unfortunately the Gathering 2012 has been cancelled due to poor ticket sales. It’s a shame as I know how many of you were looking forward to this year’s event All ticket’s will be refunded within the next 28 days, sorry for any inconvenience …

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