Tribe of Doris is an amazing life changing gathering, unlike most “festivals” Doris is a summer school teaching a wide variety of music and dance workshops, celebrating the roots and culture from all the continents around the world! A wonderful combination of Drumming, Dance, Song, Ceremony, Children and youth workshops with the weeks activity’s concluding …
Frank Willis
Bio: Franks talks are based around his own life experiences. During his life, Frank, born in Rhodesia, trained mercenary in his early twenties, had many experiences throughout his military life including Black OP’s, active service in Rhodesia, South Africa and Columbia. Franks CV includes working for an infamous Drug Baron his military life showed him …
TruthJuice Gathering 2010
Truth Juice Gathering 2010 was the first ever for us, it was an amazing success, had some amazing speakers, long chats by the fire that resulted in some amazing friendships. All in the most beautiful setting of the tallest waterfall in Wales, here are some highlights, if you were at the 2010 gathering please leave …