Thomas Janak in Birmingham on 10/05/22

Mankind has looked to the stars seemingly forever for guidance and in astrology we look at alignments and traits the planets have and what our sign can tell us about opportunities. Tonight we will explore why gazing at the stars isn’t weird at all

Heiko Khoo in Birmingham on 12/04/22

  Systems, tools, conflict and liberation. Heiko Khoo will speak on four major themes: capitalism and socialism, science and technology, freedom and democracy, and war and peace. He will draw on recent events and history in an attempt to understand, explain how we got there and forecast where we are heading. He will suggest that …

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Jason Liosatos in Birmingham on 29/03/22

Jason is an author, his book is The Emergency Transformation of Human Beings, and he has a talk show called Project Humanity, he is also an artist and has an art gallery in Totnes Devon. Jason will talk and inspire us about the exciting evolutionary crossroads we stand at as humanity, and the exciting opportunity …

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