Nick Kollerstrom in Birmingham on 08/10/19

Nick Kollerstrom Duckgate and the Great British Skripal hoax Nick’s talk will be about new CIA director showing Trump pics of dead ducks, from Salisbury, so he expels 60 Russian diplomats.  Brits deny there were any dead ducks …  Skripals were feeding ducks just before they were ‘poisoned.’  We go over the Skripal story and its …

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David Adelman in Birmingham on 18/06/19

“School – No Place for Children” A dynamic talk about how school holds us all back and how we can reclaim the power and potential to live a life more of our own making and allow our children to do the same. Do you have the uncomfortable feeling that life is not all it could …

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Mark Devlin in Bristol on 31/07/19

OCCULT ASPECTS OF THE BEATLES, AND THE McCARTNEY CONSPIRACY A PRESENTATION BY MARK DEVLIN  (WITH MATT SERGIOU) Were the Beatles really four regular lads from Liverpool who, against all the odds, just happened to become the most popular and influential group of all time? Or is there more to know about how their achieved their …

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