Divided Unity We hear so much talk of unity and the divine spirit in and around us, but the unity is only half the story – the other half IS division, and it is not a bad thing. The sun is not the earth and they don’t try and take up the same space – …
Matthew Williams in Birmingham on 07/11/17
Matthew Williams discusses his involvement with making crop circles and how he believes that man circles attract paranormal phenomena and that circlemakers have been guided to certain locations and to do specific designs by some unknown paranormal force. Matts UFO CV Always had an interest in UFOs and paranormal owning books on the subject but …
Thomas Janak in Birmingham on 21/11/17
‘What animals can teach us’ a talk about spiritual meaning of animal behaviour and communication Psychic medium, shamanic healer and complementary therapist Thomas Janak who works with humans and animals alike gives us an insight into the messages and teachings animals can convey to us to help us with our lifes xx https://www.youtube.com/user/holisticanimal