Michael Feeley in Birmingham on 16/01/18

DUE TO UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES THIS TALK HAS BEEN MOVED FROM 24TH OCTOBER 2017 TO 16TH JANUARY 2018.  SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE CAUSED. Michael Feeley is a former UK police officer of 17 years’ experience. He uses that investigative training to decipher and reveal the great and ancient mysteries of our time that have until now …

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Nick Clements in Leicester on 25/10/17

Nick Clements – The Four Genders If the forthcoming revolution is to be of any value, it will imbue change into every aspect of our lives. Not just fuel, capitalism, green issues, but also our sexuality and gender. To make real progress, we have to open ourselves to radical new possibilities, and not let the …

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Ian R Crane in Leicester on 20/09/17

Ian R Crane, Fracking awareness and current events ‘Over the past 15yrs, Ian R Crane, a former oilfield executive, has established a reputation for insightful geopoltical and historical analysis …. Many of Ian’s presentations are freely available to view on the Ian R Crane YouTube Channel. However, for the past FIVE YEARS Ian has focused …

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