David Oates in Birmingham on 06/06/17

David Oates – Reverse Speech It has been called the discovery of the 7th sense. The research into this phenomenon has been described as being of “Nobel calibre”. It has been featured in numerous publications around the world, and in the United States it became a household name in the late 90s. It is called Reverse …

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Carl James in Hull on 12/07/17

Truth Juice Hull Presents Carl James: Disney Darkside Disney is synonymous with wholesome values, memorable stories and films that will put a smile on the faces of all the family. But is there something far more sinister lurking beneath the surface of the “House of Mouse”? In this presentation, alternative knowledge researcher and author of …

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In 2 Infinity in Hull on 26/07/17

Truth Juice Hull Presents in 2 Infinity Talk: ‘Time and Waves’ Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is a common, accepted model within the minds of the public. It describes the idea that light travels from A to B. This conclusion came from a thought experiment, where Einstein imagined himself travelling on a beam of light at …

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