“Disney Darkside” – A Talk by Carl James Disney is synonymous with wholesome values, memorable stories and films that will put a smile on the faces of all the family. But is there something far more sinister lurking beneath the surface of the “House of Mouse”? In this presentation, alternative knowledge researcher and author …
Louise Castro in Hull on 16/11/16
Truth Juice Hull Presents Louise Castro: All About Fracking! Our tale is set in a microcosm that reflects hundreds of thousands of microcosms all over the world, community microcosms that have been decimated by on-shore drilling and just because the drilling rig is not in your backyard please do not think you will not be …
Mark Ceylon in Birmingham on 08/11/16
Mark Ceylon ON Debts & how to deal with them, including template letters. Plus are there cures for everything? Two talks in one dealing with debt in the first half and alternative cures for cancer and other dis-ease in the latter part of the evening. Useful and practical information regarding true wealth and health.