Peter Stone in Birmingham on 02/07/19

“The Government Steals your Wealth,
and gives you Cancer.”
Most people today are suffering through financial stress, poverty, hardship and ill health. This is not limited to the 3rdworld, as people in western countries are also beginning to realise that their lives are becoming increasingly difficult, with many people barely living pay cheque to pay cheque.
This is not by accident, but by design, and is a complicated web of lies and corruption, that I call The System.
All hardships today such as, poverty, wars, mental illness and disease, are all connected.
My book called “The System: Death by a Thousand Cuts” details many areas of how the government is doing this to you, written in plain English, and covers such topics as Money, Interest rates, Tax, Free speech, Propaganda, Conspiracy theory, Law, Minimum wage, Rights, Education and War, to name but a few.
The first part of my presentation will cover these topics, detailed in my book, and then go onto to explain how the government is the cause of all our health problems, mental issues and diseases including cancer.