Readings and Workshop.
I was born Michael John Byrne on the 13th May 1962 at 11.45pm. The 13th May is a very Spiritual Date in the calendar as it was originally celebrated by witches and warlocks several hundred years ago but due to persecution the date was hidden and therefore reversed to 31st October that date we now know as Halloween! However the 13th May is still celebrated by any true Witch or Wizard….
As a child I was very ill and had been given the last rites by a Catholic Priest and apparently died briefly in Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and the Surgeon (Dr Rickman) who was flown over from Switzerland by my Father who told my Mum that I had died and had heard the Angels.
As a child I used to stare at the ceiling and curtains for hours on end and gradually Spirits would appear to me, As I grew up I thought this was perfectly normal. Eventually, I was told to stop saying things as some people would think I am nuts or something!
Later on something happened in my life that changed everything! It was when my Daughter Laura was born on the14th May 1988 (FA Cup Final Day). She was admitted to Alder Hey on the same day at the same time as Myself, with the same complaint (Hershsprungs Disease)
A consultant (Dr Jenny Walker) was flown in from Stoke Mandeville Hospital who found the complaint and operated on Laura and who advised me that maybe it would be an idea to have a priest come in to say the last rites as Laura might not last the night! It was early morning around 3.30am when it happened! My Nan (Mary) appeared to me in the hospital cubicle that myself, my Mum and Julie (my ex-wife) were in and my Nan had died 10yrs previously in 1978!
My Nan had appeared and told me that she hadn’t come for Laura but that everything was going to be alright! My Mum at this point then proclaimed that if my Nanny has told me that Laura was to be ok then we wouldn’t need a priest and promptly cancelled the priests visit.
Laura as I write this is now 22yrs of age and has the most beautiful little Son of her own… My Grandson… Jayden 4th Nov 2009!
My Mum after Laura, then convinced me to go out and share my Gift with the world, for if I could be given a wonderful message from Spirit then what could I bring to other people!
I was then sent to a Convent where I was to introduce myself to a wonderful Nun called Sister Joe who then helped me to harness my Gift through the St Ignatius 13 Connotations Spiritual Exercises! I would never be the same person again! Thank God! I am now in my 8th year as a Professional Psychic Medium!