Samantha Pressdee in Hull on 18/10/17
Please note date changed due to Hull Fair.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

Truth Juice Hull Presents Samantha Pressdee: Back to Basics
We are very please to be presenting Samantha who has been performing comedy for 3 years now.
‘Back2Basics’ is her third one hour comedy show.
Samantha loves comedy and is really looking forward to sharing her truth and connecting with people through this medium. Her show is about mental health and the benefits system, a message that definitely needs to be heard!
Samantha is a very dedicated activist so all proceeds will go to help with taking her show to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. ♥
Venue: Walton Street Club, Walton Street, HULL, HU3 6JR / START TIME 7.30PM
£5 Waged/ £3 Un-Waged / Donation / or whatever you can manage even if that is nothing. Truth Juice Hull is NON-PROFIT making and the venue is FREE. Lack of money will never be an issue with attending the talks.