Thomas Janak in Birmingham on 04/02/14
Thomas Janak – Animal Communication
Animal Communication – what it is, how it works and why many people want you to believe it is utter crap.
German-born Birmingham resident Thomas Janak is an animal communicator, shamanic healer/teacher but also holds certificates and diplomas in studies such as pet psychology, holistic animal healing, ornithology, wolf studies and more.
This talk explores the topic of animal communication in its various forms, looks at the issue of “humanising everything” and goes in-depth into the pitfalls that can occur when attempting communication with sentient beings other than humans. The talk will also highlight why animal communication as such has been and often times still is being ridiculed and what’s to gain when dismissing a deeper connection with our animal kin.
If time permits, there will also be a short guided meditation to allow participants to get in touch with some of their own spiritual animal guides (also known as power animals).