Truthjuice Dave in Hull on 13/03/13 – DATE CHANGE


question authority


Tonight’s speaker has gained vast experience with questioning authority in many different ways. Please come along to learn how you too can question ‘authority’!
Truth Juice Dave has been challenging the so called authorities since he has come across this information, just to see and test if it had any credence, since then he has uncovered for his own mind that this construct is ingeniously and meticulously put together. This system is corrupt to the core, court houses are not what they appear to be, the police (not all police) are in his experience liars and do not follow their oaths of office. There are many different courts and jurisdictions and you should know that it’s by consent you attend these courts. Who are you? And why are you here? To live your lives free? Or to be a slave to the system? Its time you found out for yourselves!


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    • Bill on March 8, 2013 at 10:58 pm

    Hi,so is Daves talk the 13th or 14th of March? I have a fair way to travel.Thanks!

    1. Hi Bill,
      Daves talk is 13th March, hopefully no more changes

  1. click truth juice hull on google .28th feb shows speaker dave .

  2. hi. last night .28th travelled 130mile round trip with others to said venue to be told no such meet taking place. dissapointed , but not agrieved please let us know nextone as your web page seems out of sync with where your at .many thanks freeman builder.

    1. Hi John

      not too sure who you were looking to see on the 28th, as this post is for TruthJuice Dave at Hull on 14th March

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