TruthJuice Gathering 2013 – Philip Weeks

Philip Weeks-pic-630 x 250Make Yourself Better

Philip Weeks is a leading expert on natural medicine, nutrition, and is a master herbalist and acupuncturist. Philip is an engaging, informative presenter and is renowned for his deep understanding and knowledge of Ayurvedic, Arabic, Chinese and Greek medicine, and utilises these systems by making them relevant to today.

Philip is best known for his pioneering, passionate and positive approach to helping people achieve their optimum health. In his new book, Make Yourself Better: A Practical Guide to Restoring Your Body’s Wellbeing through ancient medicine, Weeks guides the reader through the process of restoring the body’s wellbeing using a simple combination of natural techniques, diet and herbal medicines. He explores the five key interconnected areas through which wellbeing can be attained, based on his analogy of the wheel of health.

About Philip

Philip Weeks is one of the leading natural health experts in the UK.

He is a Master herbalist, acupuncturist, and naturopath.

He is a lecturer, a writer and has been a consultant in his clinic in Hereford for over 14 years, and works at a London clinic on a regular basis.

As well as being an excellent consultant, Philip’s expertise and heart lies deeply in the exploration of ancient medicine.

His unique combining of ancient and modern is dynamic and intriguing as well as being down to earth and straight forward.

He has a refreshing and innovative approach to diagnosis, and his wealth of knowledge is clearly conveyed.

Philip established his clinic after qualifying as a master herbalist in 1999.

Whilst seeing patients in his hometown, Hereford, he trained at the college of Integrated Chinese medicine in Reading and obtained his licentiate in acupuncture in 2005.

He trained with Dr Tan in treating pain with acupuncture.

He also intergrates Master Tong’s approach which provides a very effective blend of techniques to optimise the effectiveness of his acupuncture treatments.

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