Wai H Tsang in Birmingham on 02/02/16

The Fractal Genome & Revolution in Evolutionary Thinking
In this presentation Wai H. Tsang will be talking about some of the exciting recent advances in evolutionary theory and our understanding of how the genome and DNA works. The field of evolutionary biology is undergoing something of a revolution driven forwards by recent findings in molecular biology and new knowledge relating to genomic functioning. Many of the old dogmas are being challenged and overturned. And some ideas which until recently were considered heretical seem to be making something of a comeback.
In relation to history and religion, the idea of bloodlines and lineage seems to be recurring and powerful undercurrents influencing affairs behind the scenes. So some very interesting and controversial themes relating to these matters will be explored. He’ll also show how ideas from evolutionary theory have in the past influenced political ideology and societal norms, how they do so in the present and how they may do so in the future for better or for worse. So a really explosive mix of religion, politics and genes. It’s sure to be a lively one!
Last but not least, Wai will give a condensed overview of the latest developments that have occurred with his fractal brain theory over the past year. In a succession of theoretical breakthroughs he has managed to completely understand the workings of the genome using his fractal brain theory. Therefore he can explain the process by which the genome is able to calculate a body from a fertilized egg. And it does so by working as a tiny fractal brain.
It’s going to be a wide ranging and stimulating talk, not to be missed!
Wai H. Tsang studied Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science at Imperial College London but instead of staying in academia went he off on an adventure studying mind, brain, genomics and consciousness in more natural and less constrained contexts.
He has spent many years public speaking about esoteric religion, prophecies, neuroscience, AI, politics. He also spent 10 years working full time at St James Church Piccadilly, a centre for progressive, new age and controversial spirituality in the UK.
His talks have been broadcast on national satellite TV and are appreciated all over the world, especially his presentations about the fractal brain theory and consciousness.
You can email him on wai.tsang69@gmail.com
or facebook him on https://www.facebook.com/wai.tsang69
or by searching Wai H. Tsang